Product Positioning and Brand Messaging

Creating distinctively unique support visuals for all brands and messaging.

From art directing, creative directing and pixel perfect retouching, we love brand visual development.

Concept Development

Finding effective ways to show your product in use is often challenging. We excel at this type of work.


Art & Creative Direction

Creating the right visual often requires extensive planning and art/creative direction to generate the right results.

Pixel Perfect Graphics

Whether it’s 2D or 3D we can implement complex photo-composition, editing and post production creative.

Creative Services

Great creative requires a lot of elements

Creating a consistent presentation of your brand requires that all of the various touch-points with your customer have a consistent visual appearance and message.

Our creative services suite allows us to apply a consistent brand message across your enterprise. 

Graphic Design

We develop right visual elements that support the brand message.

Web Design

Our web design service gives our clients rich, interactive, responsive, mobile-ready sites.


We work with some amazing photographers and can get just the right shot you need.


We can illustrate and create custom graphics to fit your exact needs.


We find the right tone and style when creating the messages for your brand.

Motion Graphics

Video and motion graphics are powerful tools for displaying your brand.


Animations can be an effective way to visually communicate a concept to your market.

Social Media Graphics

We create great looking social media ads for our clients to promote their brands.

how does brand building sell more product?

By Addressing Fears and by Building Confidence

It boils down to human psychology. Noone wants to make a bad choice. We’re wired to look for indicators to guide our decision making so we make a good choice. This includes buying things. We don’t want to be disappointed. We want to be happy. When making a purchasing decision numerous past experiences cluster together at the speed of thought and flow into our concious mind as a feeling or an intuition that guides us.

Effective branding builds confidence. It works to build, over time, the right impression, the right message, the right feeling that builds trust and confidence leading to a purchase.

By Talking To The Motivator

Effective branding has to work together with need, value and benefit as these are the trifecta driving motivators with the consumer.

In selling a brand you become the solution. The hero. The answer to the customer’s need.

You communicate how you are able to provide a value they desire. You are able to give them a benefit that they recognize as valuable.

By Using the Value Proposition

When selling a brand it is critical to be aware of the value proposition and where your brand resides in this. Consumers will evaluate your price then quickly absorb information gathered about your product to conclude where you lay in the value proposition.

Stated simply, you cost X, your perceived value is Y and your competition is Z.

If you are the value leader you have the advantage of a low price and disadvantage of being questioned on quality – are you cheaply made? If you are the more expensive choice then you must sell on the merits of quality and durability, status and the promise of greater satisfaction.

By Building A Reputation

When you have a great brand reputation, pre-purchase fear is low – confidence is high. The benefit is baked into the consumers mind before they even pick up your box.

The value proposition trades heavily on a brand’s reputation as your quality and price point are pre-established. You become the clear choice above your competitors.

This is why branding is so important. Good branding makes it easy to sell products. With a great brand the product practically moves itself. This is why fortune companies spend billions building long-term brands.

And no. There is no magic brand repair creme. We would order it by the truckload if there was. Branding takes time, calculated effort and the right team working to build it.

Branding Red Piranha

Red Piranha ( makes one of the most powerful web security devices on the market. They originally hired Glenn Studios to redesign their Drupal 8 web site. In the end we rebuilt the brand for the company by aligning their brand value proposition with the market need. We created all new copy, graphics, motion graphics, animations and interactive slideshows to explain the power behind the technology.

Branding Cogent

Cogent ( is an event management company that hired Glenn Studios to develop a WordPress website that better represented their brand. We condensed their 47-page site down into 15 responsive, mobile-ready pages with interactive slideshows, animation, motion graphics and new copy that rebranded their company. We also developed deck styled presentation templates and a 24-page digital/print brochure featuring their capabilities (view the brochure here).